Meet The Spexarths


Roger Spexarth is a true craftsman. As a young child Roger started working with his Grandfather in upholstery and furniture repair. Since then Roger has been an avid wood smith leading to his love of custom furniture and design. Roger caught the building bug when working in his father’s commercial construction company.  Roger’s professional management experience started in construction when he was hired as a superintendent over remodeling, residential construction and commercial construction. During those 6 years, he witnessed the need for improvements in design, processes and quality construction in many of the projects. Roger was inspired to form a company which focused on these things leading to the birth of Spexarth Design in 2009. As a licensed general contractor Roger continues to pour out his true design talent and uncanny attention to detail in every project.





Mandy Spexarth is the multi-talented wife of Roger Spexarth. Together they make up the ownership of Spexarth Design. Mandy is blessed by so many abilities that benefit our family. She is the hands on help with projects to the organizer and book keeper for us. Mandy has driven Spexarth Design to the family centered culture that makes us who we are. Her cheerful, caring and encouraging nature is her gift. Someone once as asked her if “she was made of rainbows and marshmallows?” We are pretty sure she is!